Funding Proposal for resilient communities

Financial Model Feasibility Proposal for the Adaptation to Climate Change project proposal called “Enhancing resilience of communities, smallholders and ecosystems to climate change impacts through adapting and scaling up land/resources used systems in the Marajo Archipelago in Brazil” to be considered for funding support by the Green Climate Fund.


  • Develop a technical proposal for the financial model to be adopted by the project, including a roadmap for its effective operationalization. It included mapping and assessing potential local financial institutions and financial mechanisms deploying financial resources for climate-resilient agroforestry for smallholders and women in particular.
  • Provide technical support to Fundación AVINA during the elaboration of the GCF Funding Proposal.


  • Fundación AVINA
  • CAFAS (Salvaterra's Cooperative of Agricultural Families)
  • National Treasure of Brasil
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