About Us

Learn about our story and meet the team behind SURECO


After a large trajectory working at the Green Climate Fund, Jessica Jacob, the CEO and founder of SURECO & Partners, was convinced about the need to create a vast network of Latin American & Caribbean professionals and opening opportunities to youth with the same objective:  To offer the best quality services to undertake sustainable solutions that transform the region and our communities.

The importance of understanding the local context and entities is a priority.

SURECO & Partners acts locally to contribute to the global Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on climate change, gender inclusiveness, and opening opportunities to the youth and vulnerable communities.

For SURECO, success is measured according to the results and impacts each project represents to a nation, institution, community, among others.

Nothing is as powerful as generating long-lasting paradigm shifting solutions.


The dream begins
SURECO & Partners is legally constituted in Panama.


Take off
SURECO & Partners starts its operations and is awarded projects in the Argentina, Colombia, Nicaragua, USA, among others.

Multiple UN agencies, governements, and private entities start to knock the door...

The intership program begins...


Promptly, public and private entities start to realize SURECO's results and big steps are taking towards paradigm-shifting projects.

Through strategic planning and fruitful partnerships, the firm has organically grown to be a reference partner for the region.

Up to date, SURECO & Partners has signed contracts awarded for more than 1 million USD with clients such as the World Bank, United Nations, ALIDE, and GIZ, among others.

Second intership program in partnership with GFLAC's youth climate finance program.


Soaring to new heights
Having worked in 90% of the countries in our region, we have not just expanded our reach, but have left a lasting impact.

Reflecting on the milestones of the past years, we have defined the institutional policies and strategic plan for the next few years. Also, our team has grown organically and purposefully, opening new areas.

We opened our third and fourth intership program and have improved our processes for newbies.


We are governed by first-level professionals in the field of sustainable finance that enlight the principles and guideliness that are reflected in SURECO & Partners.


Our consultants live and work in the communities they serve, providing better solutions for capacity building, sustainable activities, project implementation, monitoring, and evaluation


Sureco is proud to grant laboral opportunities to young visionares that are committed with the environment.



Code of Good Corporate Governance and Consolidation of Management Policies

This document reflects our principles and practices that promote responsible decision-making and sustainable success.
With the objective of improving customer relationships, promoting human talent management, maintaining high quality standards, ensuring effective communication, and promoting sustainability in all its operations, SURECO & Partners has established four management policies.

Policy I: Human Talent Management

Our mission is to attract, retain and develop S&P employees, consultants and practitioners.
Click below to see our guidelines for action that allow for the promotion and maintenance of environments and dynamics where people can develop their professional and human potential.

Policy II: Customer Relations

We aim to maintain a professional, strategic and transparent relationship with our clients.
Click below to see our guidelines to guarantee customer satisfaction, institutional strengthening and the development of long-term business relationships.

Policy III: Information and Communications

Our purpose is to foster an assertive relationship and increase knowledge among our stakeholders.
Click below to see our guidelines for action to promote the participation and commitment of our teams, strengthen our identity and demonstrate our added value to sustainability and our society.

Policy IV: Sustainability

We are committed to a sustainable future, and our operational frameworks align with it.
Click below to see our framework for action on ESG principles, integrating sustainability into all the company's decisions, processes and services.

Policy V: Information Protection

Our organization is committed to safeguarding sensitive information at all levels of operation, fostering trust among stakeholders.
Click below to see our compromise with confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.


2022 Annual Report

This report is a testament to a year of remarkable growth and impactful partnerships. In 2022, we've made significant strides in delivering results that matter, solidifying our reputation as a trusted advisor in the region. In this report, we delve into the details of our achievements, including our team growth and first million USD in operations, highlighting the transformative impact of our work and laying the groundwork for continued success in the future. Join us on this journey of excellence and innovation!

2023 Annual Report

Last years' report encapsulates the unparalleled reach and enduring impact. With a presence in 90% of our region's countries, our consultancy firm has not only expanded its footprint but has also shaped institutional policies and strategic plans for the future. In tandem, our team has grown purposefully, fostering new areas of expertise while launching our third and fourth internship programs. Within these pages, discover the transformative outcomes of our work, as we continue to make a lasting difference in the climate finance consultancy landscape.

Maricielo Glen de Tobon
Unpaid Position

Former General Secretary: Latin American Federationof Banks-FELABAN

Lawyer: Universidad Javeriana

Researcher in Financial Law

Francisco Domínguez
Unpaid Position

Presidential candidate: Dominican Republic
Attorney general
Former Minister of the Environment

Benedict Libanda
Unpaid Position

Chief Executive Officer: Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia.
Founder and Chief Executive Officer: SIF Capital.
Board Member: SADC Development Finance Resource Center.

UnaMay Gordon
Unpaid Position

Past Principal Director: Climate Change Division, Government of Jamaica

Regional Director: Caribbean Women in Leadership

Director: Recycling Partners of Jamaica

Independent Climate Change & Environmental Expert MSc Environmental Science: Wageningen Agricultural University
Honorary Doctorate of Laws in Humanities

Harishkumar R. Dave
Unpaid Position

Former Deputy Managing Director: National Bank for Agriculture and rural Development (NABARD),

Director: Bankers’ Institute of Rural Development (BIRD)

Chairman: Samaaru Finance Pvt Ltd.

Member of the Governing Board: College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India.

Specialist: climate finance, rural finance and infrastructure.

John Song
Unpaid Position

Representative Partner - Founder: Green Transformation Lab.
Deputy Director: Seoul National University.
Strategic Planning and ICT Project Manager: Green Climate Fund.
President: Fusion Consulting, Inc.

Marie-Laure Fourlinnie
Unpaid Position

PhD Research, International Economic Development - East China Normal University
PhD Orals International Economics and MALD: Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Boston
MS Mechanical Engineering: Tufts University, Boston and MS from INSA Lyon, France
Executive Recruiter: Russell Reynolds Associates, Paris
Commercial Attaché: French Embassy, Abu Dhabi
Sailed around Cape Horn: 2nd Whitbread Race around the World

Renée González
Unpaid Position

General Director: Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature (Direct Access Entity accredited before the GCF)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Biology: Harvard University

Jeffrey Lamb
Unpaid Position

Strategic Advisor: Pegasus Capital Advisors
Chairman: Nexus for Development
Former Board Advisor for SIDS: Green Climate Fund
Former Director of Climate Finance: Republic of Kiribati

Victoria Miles
Unpaid Position

Founding partner: Global impactMain
Advisor and Manager: Delphos International
Member of the Board of Directors: Except Impact
General Director: JP Morgan emerging market team

Mustapha Mokass
Unpaid position

Founder: Climate Finance A. & Carbon Offsetting
Deputy CEO: Atlas Partners
Co-Founder: YGL Initiative Climate Finance Centers
Board member: NGO Givedirectly

Javier Manzanares
Unpaid position

Co-Chair: Climate Coin
Director and Representative | MERCOSUR REGION: UNOPS
Former Executive Director: Green Climate Fund
Division Manager, Investment and Development Banking: BCIE
Executive Vice President: International Financial Bank, Miami

Ricardo Lozano
Unpaid position

Former Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia
Director of the "Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales" (IDEAM)
Geologist from the "Universidad Industrial de Santander" in Bucaramanga
Media Specialist from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá

Gloria Zarazua
Unpaid position

Former Vice Minister of MSME Development: Ministry of Economy of Guatemala

Master in Finance at the Rafael Landívar University of Guatemala

Alberto Paniagua
Unpaid position

Founder of MIBANCO

Executive director: PROFONANPE

Master in Development Sociology: University of Paris I, Pantheon - Sorbonne, France Institut d'Etudes Economiques et Sociales (IEDES)

Master in Agricultural Development: University of Paris I, Pantheon - Sorbonne, France Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)

Lauren Burnhill
Unpaid position

Fund Manager Advisor: International Climate Finance Accelerator (ICFA)

Invesment Committee Member: Nyala Venture

Managing Director: One Planet Ventures, LLC

Investment Committee Member, Helenos Fund: Inpulse Investment Manager

‍Non Executive Director: Just Share SA and Shared Assets Investment Committee Member

Jessica Jacob

Former LAC Regional Manager - GCF.
Social and EnvironmentalDirector - Findeter.
Coordinator of Latin America and Africa - UNEP.
Broker - Viel Tradition.
Product Development - HSBC.

Valeria Villena
Projects and Tender Coordinator

Environmental Consultant - FAO, GIZ, UNICEF, COSUDE.
Environmental Technical Analyst - Autonomous Municipal Government.
Water quality technician - Ministry of Environment and Water of Bolivia.

Katerine Achá
Technical and Logistics Coordinator

Environmental and GIS Responsible - NGO Kurmi ADSI
Former Vice President - Scientific Society of Students of Environmental Engineering
Former Research Assistant - VLIR-UOS
Environmental Engineer - UCB Cochabamba Regional

Laura Castañeda
Projects and Legal Coordinator

Legal consultant, researcher and Project Management - WECH SAS
Master Degree Sustainability - ICESI
Lawyer - PUJ

Jimena Flores
Projects and Tender Coordinator

Environmental Specialist for Environmental Impact Assessment - Studies Alkamari S.R.L.
Environmental Consultant - Accredited by the Ministry of Environment and Water.
Renewable Energy and Occupational Safety SpecialistEnvironmental Engineer - Military School of Engineering EMI.

Kevin Valencia
Projects and Tech Coordinator

Regional Finance Coordinator - IAAS América.
National Finance Coordinator - LCOY Ecuador 2023.
Environmental Engineer - Escuela Politécnica Nacional.

Daniela Herrera
Projects and Communications Coordinator

Mindset and Culture Coordinator - Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Javeriana University.
Professional in Communications - Javeriana University.
Master in Organizational Communication - Javeriana University.

Paul Villacis

Legal Representative - Ambiente Sostenible AMBSOS S.A.S.
Member of the Steering Committee - Colectivo Somos Ambiente EcEnvironmental.
Analyst for Programs and Products - Banco de Desarrollo del Ecuador.
Environmental Consultant - Accredited by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition.
Environmental Engineer - Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.

Trilce Loaiza

Climate Change Mitigation Project Coordinator - Ecoamet.
Environmental Specialist - Metropolitan Municipality of Lima.
Coordinator of Sustainability and Climate Change Projects - Deuman.
Environmental Engineer - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina.

Dolly Muñoz

Co-founder - InnovaBosque.
Forestry Specialist - Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (Ecuador).
Forest governance specialist - REM (Ecuador).
Biotechnology Engineer - ESPE (Ecuador).
Master in Conservation Biology - PUCE (Ecuador).

Isabella Meyer

Master in Economics.
Research Assistant in Industry and Competitiveness Group.
Research assistant - Institute of Work and Society Studies.
National Bank for Economic and Social Development - BNDES.

Jose Maria F.

Member of the Board of Directors - International Bank.
Board of Directors - Insurance Company Columna S.A.
Founder and General Director - Talento Consulting.
Consulting Partner - Parker Randall Guatemala, S.A.
Partner - HVC Kapital in the management of investment funds.
Master in Financial Administration -UMG.

Gloria Zarazúa

Consultant - UN Women Guatemala.
Vice Minister of Development of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) - Ministry of Economy of Guatemala.
Law for the economic empowerment of women
Creation of the Women's Entrepreneurship - Unit. Implementation of public policy on equal opportunities for women

Cristina C.

Designed and implemented Environmental and Social Risk Management Systems (SARAS) in financial institutions:
Financial Bank (Peru), Pacífico Savings and Loan Cooperative (Peru), Bolivarian Bank (Ecuador), EXITUS Capital (Mexico), EDPYME Credit Access (Peru), Western Financial (Mexico) and FINAGRO (Colombia).

Zoila F.

Specialist in Economic Management - Metal Mechanics Varona Company.
Former Auditor - Popular Bank of Savings (BPA) and Bank of Credit and Commerce (BANDEC).
Master's Degree in Business Administration and a Diploma in Banking Management - Center for Business Studies of the Marta Abreu de las Villas Central University.

Rodrigo C.

Project Management Technician: Instituto Desarrollo Paraguay.
Former Technical Studies Assistant Superintendence of Insurance - Central Bank of Paraguay.
Former Assistant National Accounts of the Department of Statistics of the Real Sector - Central Bank of Paraguay.
Economist - National University of Asuncion.

Stephanie B.

Climate Change Specialist Consultant -Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).
Former General Director of Monitoring and Coordination - Ministry of Development Planning Bolivia.
Former National Coordinator for the elaboration of the final document for GEF - FAO.

Carlos Frickmann

Doctor in Economics.
Activities Coordinator  - EEIST International Research Consortium.
Research Coordinator - Brazil No Climate Center (CBC).
Instructor - Brazilian Institute of Environment.
Research Coordinator - UNDP.

Jose M.

Former Minister - Technical Secretariat for Economic and Social Development Planning of Paraguay.
Former Director of Think Tank - Development Institute.
PhD in Economics - University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Former Senior Economist - World Bank (Washington, DC - USA).

Marcelo Castro

Doctor in Economics.
Specialist in Agricultural Research - Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) of Ecuador.
Consultant - Universidad Santo Tomás de Chile, FAO.

Roberto S.

Former Presidential Commissioner for Social Protection - Honduran Institute of Social Security.
Former Insurance and Pension Specialist - BCIE.
Former Head of the Actuarial Division - National Commission of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions.

David Ardila

Master in Public Administration.
Consultant - Colombian Catholic Church, local NGOs, UNDP, UNODC, local universities, GGGI, Rain Forest Alliance.

Max C.

Former Accreditation Panel Member - Green Climate Fund.
Former Corporate Vice President - Financial Group FICOHSA.
Master's Degree in International Business - University of South Carolina, Columbia.

Karina Barrera

Undersecretary of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment of Ecuador

National Representative in international climate change negotiations: Head of delegation and focal point for the GCF and UNFCCC

President of the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Meteorology (INAMHI)

Project Director, Socio-Environmental Research and Development Corporation (BNDES)

Federico Rehermann

Deputy National Director of Energy, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay

‍UNDP Consultant, Planning and Budget Office of Uruguay

Professor of Political Economy, Universidad del Trabajo del Uruguay

Consultant on financial and labor issues, AEBU

Magdalena Borges

Economist in Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change - ECLAC and UNIDO.
Consultant with extensive experience in scenario analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts in Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change.

Helen Pazmay

Advisor - Oxygen Project in Latin America and the Caribbean
Project Coordinator - Oceanids Foundation (Ecuador)
Intern - Department of Environmental Projects and Youth Climate Ambassador
B.A. in Diplomacy and International Relations - Universidad Internacional Ecuador

Maria José Rasmussen

Diploma in Climate Change and Climate Finance - Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo.
Co-founder - Environmental education project in digital media “Ecollitas”.
Law Degree - Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo

Bianca Alva

Bachelor's Degree in Communication for Development - Pontificia Universidad Católica Perú
Sub-coordinator of event organization - Data Science Research Perú
Researcher - Comunica Investiga Lab
Volunteer - Center for Climate Innovation and Sustainability

Kiara Chihuan

Cad- Gis Specialist - Regional Directorate of Agriculture Junín
Intern - Archbishopric of Huancayo- Ecological Commission
Environmental Engineering Degree - Universidad Continental of Perú

Cristina Narváez

Consultant in the Project Management Unit - Interamerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture - IICA Ecuador
Technical Assistant - EBA R2A Program
Climate Change Intern - Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition
B.Sc. in Biological and Environmental Sciences - Universidad Central del Ecuador

Amanza Pazmiño

Valuation Specialist, EP PETROECUADOR

Forest Administration and Control Specialist, Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition

Academic and Field Researcher, Wageningen UR-EKORURAL

Academic Researcher, Valrhona Chocolaterie

Agricultural Landscape Designer- Researcher, A Quinta Farm

Jr. Microbiology Analyst, QUALA ECUADOR S.A.

Sebastián Guillén Chavez

Independent Consultant‍

Consultant - Carbon Footprint Association

Consultant - ClimetriaCoordinator - Green SMEs

Intern - Predes Center for Disaster Studies and Prevention‍

Intern - UNACEM Association

Sergio Marañon

Coordinator of the Sustainable Mobility Center, Bolivian Center for Renewable Energy (CBER)

Manual Quality Control Tester, Encora

External Consultant, ENERGETICA‍


Stephanie Sivila Andrade

Independent Consultant - Hydrosanitary Designer

Volunteer Program - United Nations in Bolivia‍

Volunteering in Action Platform - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia‍

Works Supervisor - Municipal Autonomous Government of La Paz

Consultant in Management and Monitoring, Ministry of Public Works, Services and Housing - IDB

Esther Villena

Graduated in Psychology - UCB.
Experience in team management, with a focus on cultivating harmonious work environments through empathy and effective communication.
Volunteer - social commitment, supporting individuals in vulnerable situations, reinforcing commitment to community development.

Myriam Puebla

Climate/sustainable finance analyst - Banco de Desarrollo del Ecuador B.P.
Master in Biodiversity and Climate Change - Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica.
Engineer in Geographic Sciences and Sustainable Development with a mention in Territorial Planning - Universidad Católica del Ecuador.

Juana Pinanjota

Environmental Consultant - FUNPROCH.
Master in Biology, specialization, Ecology and Conservation - Eötvös Loránd University.
Environmental Engineer - Escuela Politécnica Nacional.

Sharen Alvis

Environmental Quality Analyst - Insideo.
Environmental Assistant - Metropolitan Municipality of Lima.
Intern - Climate Negotiators Programme - Ministry of Environment Peru.
Diploma in Activism and Socio-environmental Policy - Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Environmental Engineer - National Agrarian University La Molina.

Melchorita Castro

Technical Assistance in Climate Change and Sustainability - Ministry of Environment Peru.
Environmental Engineer - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

Maria Grazia Campos

Intern - U.S. Forest Service.
Founder - Climáticas.
Msc st. in Economics and Law of Climate Change - FLACSO Argentina.
Lawyer - Universidad César Vallejo.

Adriana Ríos

Sustainability and Corporate Climate Change - Consultant.
Environmental Management Specialist - UPTC.
Environmental engineer - Universidad el Bosque.

Andrea Valdéz

Project Management Technician - Development Institute/USAID/PY.
Research Assistant - National University of Asuncion.
Economist - National University of Asuncion.

Juan David

Consultant in Sustainable Finance and Socio-environmental Issues - Independent.
Professional in Environmental Sciences - University UDCA 2020.
Environmental Analysis Technologist - University UDCA 2018.

Elizabeth Mercado

Environmental Management Specialist.
Director of Sustainability and Agroecological Agriculture MBA - Central American University.
B.Sc. in Environmental Chemistry - Central American University.

Michelle Cevallos

Master in Economics, Development and Climate Change - Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center -CATIE.
Bachelor Science B.S in Economics and Management - Université Grenoble Alpes.
Bachelor Science B.S in Economics - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.

José Arrieta

President - Social Good Peru.
Chapter Leader - Citizens' Climate International.
Bachelor's Degree in Communication - University of Lima.

María Lourdes Baca

Grants Acquisitions and Management Professional Volunteer Management - World Vision.
Former Innovation Lab Volunteer - Thinkia-UNDP.
Economist - Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.

María Paula de la Hoz

Former Representation of the Bulgarian delegation - National High School Model of United Nations.
Double Degree in Law and International Relations - University of Navarra.

Fabio Arturo López

Innovation Catalyst - World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Ecuador.
Former Extern, Marine Conservation Research - The Nature Conservancy | National Geographic Society | Paragon One.
BSc in Earth and Space Science - UNAM.

Laura Ochoa

Former GIS Environmental Professional -Geoestudio.
Former Junior Researcher - Francisco José de Caldas District University.
Environmental Engineer - Francisco José de Caldas District University.

Isabel Gutiérrez

Former Responsible Purchasing Audit (Social Service) - The Port of Liverpool.
Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Engineering - Universidad Anáhuac México Norte.

Gabrielle Lamilla

Former Lawyer - Blanco and Degiovanni Attorneys & Consultants.
Former Member of the legal consultancy - Universidad Sergio Arboleda.
Lawyer - Sergio Arboleda University.

Susan Celis

Former Climate Change and Natural Resources Intern - Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture - IICA.
Former Project Assistant - Andean Grain Company S.A.C.
Bachelor of Science - Biology, Ecology Orientation - UNALM.

Madai Calix

Former E&S Monitoring and Evaluation Contractor - Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI).
Former Environmental Analyst - Municipal Integrated Risk Management Unit/ AMDC.
Bachelor's Degree in Forestry Engineeringt - UNACIFOR.

Joseline Ortiz

Former Logistics and organization of the event - Youth Speak Festival.
Pursuing a bachelor's degree in audiovisual communication - Interamerican University of Panama.

Maya Goguet

Former Volunteer - Wild Sun Rescue Center.
Former Cash Manager Assistant - Click&Boat.
Mathematics and Informatics Applied to Management - La Sorbonne.

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